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Author Topic: Legislative Alert: New York Proposes Off-Premises Sales at Brewery Supply Stores  (Read 1823 times)

Offline johnny_mo

  • Cellarman
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  • Posts: 54
If you are a beer enthusiast and/or homebrewer in the state of New York, please continue reading. If not, please do not contact the legislative of New York.

Dear New York Homebrewers,

We need your immediate action to help homebrew supply shops in New York. New York General Assembly Bill 9037 (A9037) and New York Senate Bill 7369 (S7369) would allow your local homebrew shops to apply for a license to sell beer for off-premise consumption. The general idea is to allow homebrew supply shops to sell beer for off-premise consumption, similar to a grocery store or drug store, and duly licensed supply ships operating in harbors in Lake Erie are eligible to apply for a license to sell beer for off-premises consumption.

The General Assembly Bill 9037 has been assigned to the New York General Assembly Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry Committee. The State Senate Bill 7369 has been assigned to the New York Senate Investigations and Government Operations Committee. We need the committee members to pass the bills and move each to the floor for a vote.

Here's How You Can Help
•   By March 8, 2020, submit written comments through each chair's email address:
o   Representative Robin Schimminger, chair of the General Assembly Committee:
o   Sen. James Skoufis, chair of the Senate Committee:
•   Make sure to mention in your subject line/email General Assembly Bill 9037 or Senate Bill 7369 and for your message to be admitted on record
•   See the sample text below (feel free to customize your message)


Sample text for contacting Representative Robin Schimminger, chair of the General Assembly Committee:

Dear Rep. Robin Schimminger,

I am writing to urge you to pass General Assembly Bill 9037 out of the Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry Committee to the General Assembly floor.

General Assembly Bill 9037 is a fair bill that would benefit more than 20 brewery supply stores across the state that support thousands of homebrewers and their communities, as well as benefit New York's 400+ small and independent breweries. The bill allows brewery supply stores to apply for a license to sell beer for off-premises consumption. This new opportunity will help keep these small, locally-owned businesses competitive.

New York's economy will benefit from the successful passage of General Assembly Bill 9037. The majority of the more than 7,000 breweries now operating in the United States, including over 400 in New York, were founded by homebrewers. Successful brewery supply stores help to build a vibrant homebrewing community, fostering the growth of locally owned businesses, which contribute jobs and tax revenue to New York's economy.

I strongly urge you to pass General Assembly Bill 9037. It is the right thing to do for New York small businesses, homebrewers, and craft breweries, and will prove beneficial to New York's economy.

[Your Name]

Sample text for contacting Senator James Skoufis, chair of the Senate Committee:

Dear Sen. James Skoufis,

I am writing to urge you to pass Senate Bill 7369 out of the Investigations and Government Operations Committee to the Senate floor.

Senate B ill 7369 is a fair bill that would benefit more than 20 brewery supply stores across the state that support thousands of homebrewers and their communities, as well as benefit New York's 400+ small and independent breweries. The bill allows brewery supply stores to apply for a license to sell beer for off-premises consumption. This new opportunity will help keep these small, locally-owned businesses competitive.

New York's economy will benefit from the successful passage of Senate Bill 7369. The majority of the more than 7,000 breweries now operating in the United States, including over 400 in New York, were founded by homebrewers. Successful brewery supply stores help to build a vibrant homebrewing community, fostering the growth of locally owned businesses, which contribute jobs and tax revenue to New York's economy.

I strongly urge you to pass Senate Bill 7369. It is the right thing to do for New York small businesses, homebrewers, and craft breweries, and will prove beneficial to New York's economy.

[Your Name]

General Assembly 9037:
Senate 7369:
Rep. Robin Schimminger:
Senator James Skoufis: