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Author Topic: Help me brew a phenomenal sour to celebrate my sour loving buddy's wedding!  (Read 5466 times)


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The first brew day has begun! 12 gallon batch
10# Colorado Malting Co Belgian Base Pale malt
5# CMC White Wheat Malt
5# CMC unmalted white wheat
Beta Glucan rest at 104(ish) per Jean-Christophe Larsimont in his saison article in the most recent BYO (March-April) because of the high percentage of unmalted grain. I'll raise it to 122 for a protein rest and then up through saccharification temps to mash out. Even though I BIAB I added .5# rice hulls and will take it to 165ish just to improve run off. I plan to boil to hot break before chilling and pre-acidify the wort to 4.5-4.2 pH

I'll cool to 105ish, pitch a bunch of Swanson lactobacillus plantarum, and transfer to glass carboys. Then I plan to add more strains of lacto either from the club bank or the LHBS, and then a variety of brett, again either bought or banked. I'll add a combo of Saccharomyces, probably DuPont, French, and Brux. Keeping pedio out of this one.

I brewed bigger than needed so I can save some wort for starters as needed. I'll boil and save in Mason jars.

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Lactic acid 88% to drop pH to 4.3 prior to pitching Swanson's lacto probiotics (lactobacillus plantarum) and lactobacillus delbrueckii from the club Sunday night 3/18/18.
3/21/18 added saved blend of WLP 644 Saccharomyces Bruxellensis Trois and 590 French Saison. Saved in two flip tops and both gushed when opened. Infection or effects of diastaticus? Pitched anyway
Also pulled 2 cups from saison brewed with WLP565 DuPont and pitched into all 3.
Found dregs from a couple of sours, one was a Three Barrel sour, and pitched into only 6.5gal carboy

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  • Posts: 198
And all the bretts!

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  • Posts: 198
A few weeks ago I added cherries to one, raspberry puree to another, and left one alone. Just tasted and the cherry is amazing, the raspberry is pretty meh so far, and the golden is nice but not very complex. I was hoping for more from the Brett by now but i guess it just needs more time

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