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Author Topic: Star San for treating Powdery Mildew  (Read 2297 times)

Offline theDarkSide

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Star San for treating Powdery Mildew
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:14:41 am »
Last night I was watering my pumpkins and noticed a white, powdery substance on my pumpkin leaves. I'm assuming it's powdery mildew since it's been pretty humid here lately. I was reading up on it and see that some people spray them with a milk/water solution because the low ph of milk kills the mildew.

So I was wondering if Star San would be a good solution to this because of it's low PH? Anyone use Star San on their plants to control this stuff? I know some will pour their spent Star San on their flowers as a fertilizer, but I'm not sure if 12ppm Star San is harmful.

I had a spray bottle of SS so I sprayed a couple plants this morning to see what would happen.

Seacoast Homebrew Club - Portsmouth, NH
AHA Member
Stephen Mayo

Offline wingnut

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Re: Star San for treating Powdery Mildew
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 10:36:18 am »
I recall Charlie Talley of 5 Star Chemicals (the makers of Star San) saying that it was a possible "extra" use for Star San.  I forget if I heard it on Basic Brewing or The Brewing Network (he did shows for both pod casts). 

So, yeah , spray it on, and it should help. 

Good luck
-- Wingnut - Cheers!