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Author Topic: Bill to allow 18 y/o college students to sample but not swallow beer for courses  (Read 3018 times)

Offline pete b

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Raise the age of an adult to 21 or lower the drinking age to 18.  That simple.
Yes^^^ And my vote is make military service and drinking age 21. I used to not feel this way but the fact is the drinking age change coupled with stricter laws about teen driving have made a dramatic impact on automobile fatalities. And IMO the decision to join the military is not one I would want most 18 year olds these days to make. They have too romantic a view of it and are too susceptible to recruitment tactics.
Don't let the bastards cheer you up.

Offline Steve Ruch

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Raise the age of an adult to 21 or lower the drinking age to 18.  That simple.
Yes^^^ And my vote is make military service and drinking age 21. I used to not feel this way but the fact is the drinking age change coupled with stricter laws about teen driving have made a dramatic impact on automobile fatalities. And IMO the decision to join the military is not one I would want most 18 year olds these days to make. They have too romantic a view of it and are too susceptible to recruitment tactics.

 Good points.
 I joined the Navy at 18, mostly to avoid being drafted into the army.
 For many years I thought it was a complete waste of four years, until I got into the V.A. health system. I can't even guess how much money my medical care would have cost me in the last decade if I'd had regular insurance.
I love to go swimmin'
with hairy old women

Offline klickitat jim

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Raise the age of an adult to 21 or lower the drinking age to 18.  That simple.
For health insurance purposes the age of adulthood is 26

You mean if under parents insurance? Yeah f they are in college isn't it?

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Until age 26, can be on parents plan. Nothing about college. My only issue is the possible perception that if you don't carry your uninsured 25 year old jobless Xbox addict "child", you're just not a good parent. Yet having a second "child" who is squared away and self sufficient probably doesnt average it out LOL
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 06:54:57 pm by klickitat jim »

Offline mbalbritton

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I personally like the Continental European mindset to drinking age and driving age. Drinking age for the most part is 16, driving is 18. You learn to drink first and get the "Party" out of your system. Then learn to drive. They also carry a zero tolerance drinking and driving attitude.

The problem with that in the States is the lack of reliable and prolific public transportation. You can get damn near anywhere on public transport to within a 5-10 min walk. And they aren't afraid to walk.

Even though I started driving at 16, I'm not so sure 16 y/o is responsible enough to drive a vehicle that can kill several people at once because of inexperience and attention.

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