Support Senate Bill 641
The Garden State Craft Brewers Guild has requested that beer enthusiasts take action to support legislation beneficial to the state's small and independent brewers and craft beer consumers.
Stay on top of the latest news and updates from the American Homebrewers Association, including event registration announcements.
The Garden State Craft Brewers Guild has requested that beer enthusiasts take action to support legislation beneficial to the state's small and independent brewers and craft beer consumers.
The Brewers Association of Maryland is asking for your help in supporting three bills that are the subject of committee hearings in the next couple of days.
The American Homebrewers Association is working with Raise Your Pints and Mississippi homebrew clubs to promote bills in both the Mississippi House (HB 25 and HB 84) and Senate (SB 2307) that would legalize homebrewing in Mississippi.
Senate Bill 395, which would lift current restrictions that prohibit homebrew from being transported outside of the home where it was made, passed the Senate by a vote of 32-1 on 2/14. SB 395 will be going to a vote before the full Assembly soon.
SB604 allows a brewery licensee to sell beer at retail at premises described in the brewery license for on-premises consumption and in closed containers for off-premises consumption.
New Jersey governor Chris Christie signed legislation that eliminates a long standing law requiring homebrewers to obtain permits.
Senate Bill 395, if passed, would lift current restrictions that prohibit homebrew from being transported outside of the home where it was made.
Saturday, Dec. 10, Wynkoop Brewing Co. tapped the first kegs of a brand new beer, Collective Hoppiness. It's a unique, continuously & collectively hopped beer brewed during the recent American Homebrewers Association (AHA) membership
"Twas the night before kegging, when all through the pub Not a carboy was stirring, not even a blub;
Michigan Governor Richard Synder signed HB 4061 into law making it legal for brew pubs and restaurants to host homebrew club meetings and other club events where homebrew is served.
Talented homebrewers from across the country teamed up with professional brewers to enter the 2011 Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am Competition. Here's a quick look at the winners.
On Monday, March 28th, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber signed into law Senate Bill 444, meaning Oregon homebrewers can once again legally enter homebrew competitions and bring homebrew to homebrew club meetings and events.