Meet the 2013 Homebrewer of the Year
The 2013 Homebrewer of the Year earned the prestigious title amongst one of the largest pools of entries in the history of the National Homebrew Competition.
Stay on top of the latest news and updates from the American Homebrewers Association, including event registration announcements.
The 2013 Homebrewer of the Year earned the prestigious title amongst one of the largest pools of entries in the history of the National Homebrew Competition.
July 1, 2013 marks the day Mississippi lifts its homebrew restriction, unifying homebrewers in all fifty states for the first time in nearly 100 years.
Happy Independence Day Homebrewers! Whether you're brewing, imbibing or relaxing today, you'll want to take a look at this American Pale Ale! Be safe homebrewers!
The results are in! See which beers made the top 50 in Zymurgy's Best Beers in America, our annual readers' poll of beers commercially available in the United States.
Even with the recent success of legalizing homebrewing in Mississippi and Alabama, existing statutes in multiple states continue to restrict homebrewing rights, preventing homebrewers from interacting with the rest of their local beer community.
On Thursday, May 9, Governor Robert Bentley signed homebrew legalization bill HB9 into law. The new law went into effect immediately, making Alabama the forty-nineth state to legalize homebrewing in the U.S.
Homebrewing is now legal in Alabama! On Thursday, May 9, Governor Robert Bentley signed the homebrew legalization bill HB9 into law. The new law went into effect immediately.
The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) is pleased to announce the Alabama legislature has passed a bill that, once signed by Governor Robert J. Bentley, will effectively legalize homebrewing throughout the state.
Homebrew bill HB 630 has been passed by the Illinois House and the Senate Executive Committee, and now awaits a vote before the full Senate, which could happen as soon as this Friday, May 3.
The Alabama homebrew bill, HB9, was passed by the Alabama House on April 2 and reported favorably by the Senate Job Creation and Economic Development Committee by a narrow 3-2 margin on April 17. The next step is for the whole Senate to vote on it.
Existing Illinois law does not allow for homebrew to be served outside the home for events like homebrew club meetings and homebrew competitions
With tax season coming to a close, don't forget to file for your homebrew club! Homebrew clubs and other small exempt organizations should file Form 990-N, also known as an e-Postcard. It's as easy as answering eight simple questions.