Big Blimp! Barleywine (Big Brew 2025)

ABV: 11.2%

IBU: 100

SRM: 17

OG: 1.096 (22.9°P)

FG: 1.018 (4.6°P)

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The official homebrew recipe for Big Brew 2025 is based on Donna and Larry Reuter’s award-winning American barleywine that took home the gold in the 2019 (Providence, R.I.; view recipe) and 2023 (San Diego, Calif.; view recipe) National Homebrew Competition Final Rounds. The recipe has been updated with high-quality ingredients from the Big Brew 2025 sponsors, Lallemand Brewing and Rahr Malting Co. Expect a bold and hoppy strong ale of the highest caliber!

Looking for an extract-based or other alternative homebrew recipe? Visit the AHA’s Homebrew Recipe Library and celebrate Big Brew with a recipe of your choice!


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The official homebrew recipe for Big Brew 2025 is based on Donna and Larry Reuter’s award-winning American barleywine that took home the gold in the 2019 (Providence, R.I.; view recipe) and 2023 (San Diego, Calif.; view recipe) National Homebrew Competition Final Rounds. The recipe has been updated with high-quality ingredients from the Big Brew 2025 sponsors, Lallemand Brewing and Rahr Malting Co. Expect a bold and hoppy strong ale of the highest caliber!

Looking for an extract-based or other alternative homebrew recipe? Visit the AHA’s Homebrew Recipe Library and celebrate Big Brew with a recipe of your choice!


  • Malts & Adjuncts
  • 19 lb. (8.62 kg) Simpsons Finest Maris Otter
  • 1 lb. (454 g) Simpsons Crystal Light Malt
  • 8 oz. (227 g) Simpsons Crystal Medium Malt
  • 4 oz. (113 g) Dingemans Special B®
  • 4 oz. (113 g) Rahr Dextrin Malt
  • 1 lb. (454 g) dextrose in boil
  • Hops
  • 0.75 oz. (21 g) Cascade, 5.8% a.a., FWH
  • 0.75 oz. (21 g) Centennial, 12.8% a.a., FWH
  • 0.75 oz. (21 g) Chinook, 10% a.a., FWH
  • 1.25 oz. (35 g) Cascade, 5.8% a.a., whirlpool
  • 1.25 oz. (35 g) Centennial, 12.8% a.a., whirlpool
  • 1.25 oz. (35 g) Chinook, 10% a.a., whirlpool
  • 1 oz. (28 g) Cascade, 5.8% a.a., dry hop 4 days
  • 2 oz. (57 g) Centennial, 12.8% a.a., dry hop 4 days
  • 1 oz. (28 g) Chinook, 10% a.a., dry hop 4 days
  • Yeast
  • 2 packs (22 g) LalBrew BRY-97™
  • Water
  • Ca 5 ppm, Mg 42 ppm, Na 60 ppm, Cl 80 ppm, SO4 20 ppm
  • Additional Items
  • 1 tsp. Irish moss @ 10 min


Yield: 5 US gal. (18.9 L)

Original Gravity: 1.096 (22.9°P)

Final Gravity: 1.018 (4.6°P)

ABV: 11.2%

IBU: 100

SRM: 17


Mash at 150°F (66°C) for 90 min. Target mash pH of 5.3. Batch or fly sparge for 15 to 30 min. Boil 90 min. Begin chilling. Add whirlpool hops when wort reaches 190°F (88°C) and whirlpool 30 minutes while continuing to chill wort to 60–62°F (16–17°F), then aerate and pitch yeast. Dry pitching without rehydration is recommended (more straightforward process, more consistent fermentation performance, and reduced risk of contamination). Ferment 21 days in primary at 60–62°F (16–17°C), then dry hop for 4 days. Keg with 3.5 oz. (99 g) of corn sugar in a simple syrup (mixture of water and sugar, typically 1:1) and allow carbonation to develop over 2 weeks. Crash cool to 30°F (-1°C) and hold 2 weeks, then age until ready to serve.

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