May/June 2008

May/June 2008

Check out the featured stories, such as Oak’s Balancing Act, Roll Out the Barrel, A Saison for Every Season, and Brewin’ Down the Haus in Zinzinnati.

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About Zymurgy

Cover Story

A Saison for Every Season

By Drew Beechum

Some hops, spice, malt and a whole wallop of weird opened my eyes to the existence of the Saison style. Whatever the season, there is a reason for a saison.

Link to article

Zymurgy: May/June 2008

Roll Out the Barrel

Filling and maintaining an oak barrel can be the perfect project for a homebrewing club or a determined homebrewer. A look at two such experiments, plus tips from the pros.

Link to article

Zymurgy: May/June 2008

Oak’s Balancing Act

Oak has been used in brewing for many years, but recently it has seen a resurgence of interest due to its large flavor impact on both wine and beer.

Recipes in this Issue

  • Saison d’Hiver Infernal
  • Dusseldorf Altbier
  • Jokester Mild Ale (Extract)
  • Jokester Mild Ale (All-Grain)
  • Bosmo’s Imperial Cream Ale
  • Fireball Mead
  • Brut d’Houblonee
  • Springtime in Amarillo
  • Dave’s Original Saison
  • Saison d’Hiver
  • Saison Automne
  • Saison Ete
  • Saison Printemps
  • Suffolk Strong Bourbon Barrel Barleywine
  • Munich Helles
  • Bourbon Barrel Orange Blossom and Buckwheat Mead
  • JP’s Bourbon Oak-Aged Oat Stout (Extract)
  • JP’s Bourbon Oak-Aged Oat Stout (All-Grain)

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave