September/October 2009

September/October 2009

Check out the featured stories, such as Confessions of a ‘Bitter’ Man, Backwards Brewing: Mild Ales, London Brown Ale, Think Like a Judge, and Winners Circle.

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About Zymurgy

Cover Story

Backwards Brewing: Mild Ales

By Mark Pasquinelli

Perhaps the session beer’s time has finally arrived. This should have been expected, an inevitable backlash against the Imperial style beers that are pervading the market.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2009

Confessions of a ‘Bitter’ Man

Bitters are beers for drinking, for enjoying several pints over the course of an evening, rather than for carefully paced sipping. They are the “daily bread” of beer drinking.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2009

London Brown Ale

Without question, London Brown Ale (known in the BJCP guidelines as Southern English Brown) has been one of the major beer style casualties of the last 50 years.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2009

Think Like a Judge

An award-winning homebrewer and Grand Master V beer judge provides some insight into the judging process and how you can improve your chances of winning.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2009

Winners Circle

Meet the big winners of the American Homebrewers Association’s National Homebrew Competition and try your hand at brewing the winning recipes from 28 categories.

Recipes in this Issue

  • Rogerfest Cherrywood Lager
  • Spiced Saison
  • Classic Rauchbier
  • Imperial American Brown Ale
  • Semi-sweet Sparkling Mead with Tupelo Honey
  • Still Sweet Melomel with Two Cherry Varieties and Tupelo Honey
  • Open Category Mead
  • Common Cider
  • New England Cider
  • Robust Porter
  • Blackberry Baltic Porter
  • American Barleywine
  • Dubbel
  • Peach Lambic
  • Belgian Specialty Ale
  • Hefeweizen
  • English IPA
  • Foreign Extra Stout
  • Mild Ale
  • American Lager, Lite American Lager
  • Classic American Pilsner
  • Oktoberfest/Marzen
  • Dark American Lager
  • Eisbock
  • American Rye Beer
  • Dusseldorf Alt
  • Extra Special/Strong Bitter
  • Scottish Heavy 70/
  • American Pale Ale
  • Vienna Lager
  • Black Jack Ale
  • Clark Kent Pale Mild ale
  • Clark Kent Dark Mild
  • Rodney Kibzey’s Chiswick Bitter II
  • Oxon JHB (John Hanson Bitter)

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave