September/OCtober 2018 Zymurgy
September/October 2018

We’re taking a look at the winners of the winners of the National Homebrew Competition and sharing the 33 gold medal-winning recipes for you to try at home. Plus, how a chef approaches building a beer and a closer look at Florida’s favorite style, the Florida Weisse.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2018

Brewing Historical Lagers

Urban Chestnut Brewing Company recently invited breweries from across the country to re-create historical lagers. Stan Hieronymus was there, and he brought back recipes.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2018

Building Beer: A Chef’s Perspective

Using the New Mexico piñon as a special ingredient, Heather Linderfelt breaks down the process of building a beer with the eye of a chef.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2018

Florida Weisse: Tart, Fruity, and Refreshing

Take your classic Berliner weisse and add obscene quantities of fruit. The result is a summertime thirst quencher that pairs perfectly with the Florida sunshine.

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Zymurgy: September/October 2018

Homebrew Competitions as Entertainment

What happens when you open homebrew judging to the public and make a day of it? BrewMania! This New Zealand-born event may be coming to a city near you.

Recipes in this Issue

  • Flubadub (Partial-Mash)
  • Flubadub (All-Grain)
  • Tall, Dark, and Bready
  • Indaweissable
  • Halpatter Florida Weisse
  • Swamp Head Florida Weisse
  • Stechen
  • Bourbon Piñon Wee Heavy
  • Corrales Piñon Porter
  • 1879 Klumbacher Export
  • 1834 Augsburger Lagerbier
  • Old Ledger Lager
  • Flubadub (Partial-Mash)
  • Flubadub (All-Grain)
  • Indaweissable
  • Halpatter Florida Weisse
  • Swamp Head Florida Weisse
  • Stechen
  • Bourbon Piñon Wee Heavy
  • Tall, Dark, and Bready
  • Corrales Piñon Porter
  • 1879 Klumbacher Export
  • 1834 Augsburger Lagerbier
  • Old Ledger Lager

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave