Sour Squash Ale

ABV: 7.30%

IBU: 17

SRM: 17

OG: 1.067 (16.4° P)

FG: 1.012 (3.1° P)

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amber colored beer in glass

This recipe was originally published in American Sour Beers by Michael Tonsmeire.

A subtly spiced sour brown ale with roasted butternut squash that’s added to the mash then aged with red wine soaked wood cubes/in a red wine barrel. Tonsmeire describes this beer as a “blend of winey tartness, warming spices and earthy squash, it tastes like autumn in a glass.”


Brewed 1 time

This recipe was originally published in American Sour Beers by Michael Tonsmeire.

A subtly spiced sour brown ale with roasted butternut squash that’s added to the mash then aged with red wine soaked wood cubes/in a red wine barrel. Tonsmeire describes this beer as a “blend of winey tartness, warming spices and earthy squash, it tastes like autumn in a glass.”


  • 7 lbs (3.18 kg) German Pilsner malt
  • 2 lbs (0.91 kg) German Munich malt
  • 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) roasted butternut squash
  • 1 lbs (453 g) wheat malt
  • 0.5 lbs (227 g) 90° L crystal malt
  • 0.5 lbs (227 g)  55° L crystal malt
  • 0.25 lb (113 g) flaked barley
  • 0.25 lbs (113 g)  melanoidin malt
  • 0.15 lbs (68 g) Carafa Special II malt
  • 1 oz (28 g) Amarillo hops (60 min)
  • 0.1 oz. (2.83 g) cinnamon (0 min)
  • 0.05 oz (1.42 g) nutmeg (0 min)
  • Wyeast 1056 American Al7e
  • Your choice of Brettanomyces and bacteria


Yield: 5 U.S. gallons (19 L)

Original Gravity: 1.067 (16.4° P)

Final Gravity: 1.012 (3.1° P)

ABV: 7.30%

IBU: 17

SRM: 17

Boil Time: 120 minutes


Mash at 156°F (69°C) for 90 min. Ferment around 65°F (18°C). When primary fermentation is complete, rack to secondary with 0.2 oz./gal. (1.5 g/L) red-wine soaked medium toast French oak cubes, or into a red wine barrel. Carbonate to 2.2 volumes of CO2.


Consider adding additional spices, such as ginger, clove and allspice, if you want a beer that tastes like Thanksgiving. It would also make a delicious oud bruin by omitting the spices and squash.

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