Brooklyn Brewery Brooklyn Lager

ABV: 5.20%

OG: 1.052

FG: 1.012

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clone Brooklyn Lager

Try making this “clone recipe” of Brooklyn Brewery Brooklyn Lager from Brooklyn Brewery in Brooklyn, New York. Browse our library of replica beers in the AHA Recipe Library!

This is a classic American interpretation of a Vienna-style lager, described by Brooklyn Brewery as amber-gold in color and displaying a firm malt center supported by a refreshing bitterness and floral hop aroma.


Brewed 48 times

Try making this “clone recipe” of Brooklyn Brewery Brooklyn Lager from Brooklyn Brewery in Brooklyn, New York. Browse our library of replica beers in the AHA Recipe Library!

This is a classic American interpretation of a Vienna-style lager, described by Brooklyn Brewery as amber-gold in color and displaying a firm malt center supported by a refreshing bitterness and floral hop aroma.

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