Each year on the first Saturday in May, thousands of homebrewers from around the world unite to celebrate National Homebrew Day by brewing the same recipes and sharing a simultaneous toast at noon CDT.
This Classic American Pilsner recipe by Kyle Sisco won the bronze medal at the 2012 GABF Pro-Am. This style is known for its smooth and crisp flavor!
Each year on the first Saturday in May, thousands of homebrewers from around the world unite to celebrate National Homebrew Day by brewing the same recipes and sharing a simultaneous toast at noon CDT.
This Classic American Pilsner recipe by Kyle Sisco won the bronze medal at the 2012 GABF Pro-Am. This style is known for its smooth and crisp flavor!
- 9.0 lbs (4.08 kg) 6-row malt
- 2.0 lbs (0.9 kg) flaked corn
- 7.05 oz (200 g) acidulated/sauermalz malt
- Hops
- 1.0 oz (30 g) Sterling hops, 7.5% a.a. (60 min)
- 0.35 oz (10 g) Sterling hops, 7.5% a.a. (30 min)
- 0.35 oz (10 g) Sterling hops, 7.5% a.a. (20 min)
- 1.0 oz (30 g) Sterling hops, 7.5% a.a. (0 min)
- *If Sterling hops are unavailable, Czech Saaz hops are a viable substitute
- Yeast
- White Labs WLP840 American Lager yeast or Wyeast 2035 American Lager yeast
- Misc.
- 0.5 t Wyeast Brewer’s Yeast Nutrient
- 0.25 t 5 Star SuperMoss
Yield: for 5.5 gallons (20.82 L)
Original Gravity: 1.055 (13.6° P)
Final Gravity: 1.014 (3.6° P)
ABV: 5.50%
IBU: 39
SRM: 4
Boil Time: 60 minutes
- Single-infusion mash with no mash-out.
- 75 minute mash using 5.5 gallons (20.82 L) of 150° F (66° C) water at profile listed below.
- Target pH: 5.2 (room temperature).
- Using 4 gallons (15.14 L) of water acidified with lactic acid to pH of 5.5, batch sparge at 168° F (76° C).
- Collect 7.5 gallons (28.39 L) of wort and boil for 60 minutes.
- Add hops at specified intervals from end of boil.
- Cool wort and oxygenate for one minute.
- Ferment at 48° F (9° C) until activity slows.
- Ramp 2° F per day until you reach 65° F (18° C) and hold for 2-3 days.
- Crash cool to 30° F (-1° C) and lager for 1-3 months.
- Keg at 2.5-3.0 volumes of CO2 or bottle condition with 5 oz (142 g) corn sugar.
- Water Profile (in ppm)
- Calcium: 100
- Magnesium: 20
- Sodium: 20
- Sulfate: 150
- Chloride: 115
- Bicarbonate: 60
- Residual Alkalinity: -30
- Sulfate:Chloride: 1:3 (balanced)
Extract Information
6.75 lbs (3.06 kg) extra-pale malt extract syrup
1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) dextrose (corn sugar)
- Add malt extract syrup and 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) dextrose to 2.5 gallons of hot water until totally dissolved.
- Bring to a rolling boil for 60 minutes.
- Strain wort into sanitized fermentation vessel with 2-3 gallons (7.6-11.4 L) of pre-boiled & chilled water for a total volume of 5.5 gallons (20.82 L).
- Ferment at 48° F (9° C) until activity slows.
- Ramp 2° F per day until you reach 65° F (18° C) and hold for 2-3 days.
- Crash cool to 30° F (-1° C) and lager for 1-3 months.
- Keg at 2.5-3.0 volumes of CO? or bottle condition with 5 oz (142 g) corn sugar.

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